About five minutes walk back from the Jagat Narayan Temple along a
narrow lane leads to Chyasal Tole. Most of the residents living in this
area are Byanjankars and Maharjans, self sufficient group of people,
mostly farmers by occupation.
One of the most magnificient monuments this locality boasts is the
ancient Gah Hiti with the dragon headed water spout showing a
gorgeous 3rd century stone statue of Gajalaxmi, the goddess of
abundance in the niche of the Hiti wall. The Hiti is said to have a link
with the source of the spring water hidden underground in the vicinity.
This Tole is also known for many open squares especially meant for
drying the rice paddy, Patis, Sattals and multi purpose community halls
and courtyards indicating the Chyasal people’s dedication for
community life.