In whole of the country Lord Krishna is worshipped with enough feverish ceremonies to render every other gods, goddess and deities green with jealously.
In Patan, where one of the most important temple dedicated to Krishna is situated, the marking of the ceremonies to celebrate the Lord can be summed up
by one word: Grand. He is one of the most adored of all the deities, and makes no mistake we have about 3.2 billions of them! The stories of his
miraculous birth, fabulous childhood and many deeds of equal valor have been engrained into the imaginations and hearts of the Nepalese people.
The day is marked by a must visit to the shrine that houses the image of the Lord. In Krishna Mandir, in Patan Darbar Square the festivities get going
well before the night that precedes the holy one. Women from all cast of life queue up to pay their homage and respect to their Krishna.
Such is the popularity, if you can call that, of Lord Krishna, that even the Royal family of Nepal comes to pay their homage to him.