Patan Durbar Square monument zone, the heart of Patan city, is one of the seven monument zones of Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site, enlisted by
UNESCO in 1979. The major attractions in this area include the 17th century palace complex and several other temples and shrines noted for their
exquisite carving. This monument zone is also an excellent example of a medieval town with winding streets opening up into lively urban square with
unique architectural character that is still distinctly in evidence. One of the finest examples in this square is the 17th century Krishna temple, the
first Shikhar style structure in Nepal with 21 spires and constructed entirely of stone with carvings depicting the Hindu epic Mahabharat.
Although much of the 17th century urban patterns and the public structures still exist in commendable state, Patan Monument Zone is losing much of its
vernacular architecture that is mostly under private ownership. The significance of this unique architectural heritage which includes the associated
minor architecture, such as the traditional private houses has not been fully appreciated by its residents. Patan has been a vital city for almost two
thousand years and this long history has brought in many changes in its architectural style along with the political changes as well as the influence of
the outside world. Historically, these changes were slow and adaptive to the vernacular styles, materials and technology. However, in recent years these
changes have been quite drastic with the introduction of foreign materials and technology. The change and expectations of the changing contemporary
lifestyles has also had devastating effects on the traditional fabric of this historic city. The beautiful old buildings, the fine examples of the rich
Newari architecture, are vanishing day by day and being replaced by unsympathetic concrete structures.
Lack of knowledge of the value of historical houses is also hampering in the conservation of this historic city. The cost of restoration is perceived to
be higher than that of demolishing and replacing them by new concrete houses and the homeowners are not given any financial incentives to restore their
buildings. Rules and regulations are not strong enough and their implementation is very ineffectual.